Free Travel Research Supplier or OTA? How U.S. Online Travelers Decide Where to Shop and Book

Supplier or OTA? How U.S. Online Travelers Decide Where to Shop and Book

September 2015
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Supplier or OTA? How U.S. Online Travelers Decide Where to Shop and Book

Phocuswright recently completed a comprehensive online survey – co-sponsored by Merkle – aimed at understanding how leisure travelers across eight markets navigate the search, shop and buy process. This white paper focuses on the rivalry between OTAs and suppliers, and identifies the consumer perceptions, opinions and market dynamics that influence channel selection. Readers will understand online channel usage across travel shopping and booking phases, as well as shifts in behavior for air versus hotel shoppers. Finally, the paper analyzes the growing impact of mobile and metasearch, highlighting forces that will shape OTA-supplier dynamics in the years to come.