The Rise of Messaging for Travel and Hospitality
- Published:
- June 2016
- Analyst:
- Douglas Quinby
Download the presentation deck and audio recording of the June 23, 2016 webinar - sponsored by OpenMarket Inc. - to understand how to leverage messaging to connect with travelers and heighten their in-destination experience.Phocuswright's vice president, research, Douglas Quinby and OpenMarket's senior product manager – enterprise mobile messaging, Austin Wheat, they explore the impact of messaging in travel, focusing on how text messaging can enhance the in-destination and hotel on-property experience for travelers. Moderated by Lorraine Sileo, senior vice president, research at Phocuswright, this 35-minute presentation includes a Q&A segment.
Topics include:
The use of text and messaging apps among U.S. travelers
The use of chat in hospitality for guest service and engagement
The role of bots, artificial intelligence and people in powering chat
The future of chat and how it will – and will not – impact travel
Download today!
Also Available
Download the free white paper, How Mobile Messaging is Redefining the Customer Experience for Travel and Hospitality Companies, HERE.