Travel Startups Interactive Database

A redesigned database of 8,000+ startups, 11,000+ funding rounds, aggregated data of investment trends and more.

Phocuswright has tracked the travel startup landscape for over fifteen years. During this time, the digital travel ecosystem has undergone tremendous transformation.

This interactive database – containing thousands of travel startups founded since 2005 – enables you to: 

Discover new companies and information you can’t find in other databases

Sort and filter the list of companies by founded year, total funding, HQ country, HQ region, company status, vertical category, horizontal category and business focus.

Get a better sense of your competitive set

Sort and filter the list of individual funding rounds, acquisitions and IPOs by the same criteria plus funding date and stage.

Look much more in-depth at your category and market

Easily filter all data based on common presets, including “Core travel verticals”, “Early stage active”, “Data-related companies”, “Phocuswright Innovation Alumni” and “PhocusWire Hot 25 Startups”.

Gather competitive research for your investor deck or investment thesis

Visualize aggregated data in interactive charts, including founding and funding trends over time, by region, by category, and by funding round date and type.

Evaluate investment trends, opportunities and market analysis

View information and trends relating to individual companies and individual investors.

Assess industry performance and state of funding

Discover new investments, companies and competitors in your region or segment.

For our full analysis of the state of travel startups – including founding and funding trends, companies to watch, regional segmentation, key segment analysis and more – check out The State of Travel Funding 2023.

Curious as to how this database can make you a smarter startup, investor or travel executive keeping your finger on the pulse of innovation?  

Here are 23 prompts our analyst team has come up with: 

  1. Explore the distribution of funding amounts across different funding rounds 2021 vs 2023. 
  2. Compare early vs. mature startups (i.e., what verticals make it to mature status) 
  3. Visualize the total funding raised by travel startups in each HQ country. 
  4. Compare the average funding number of Seed Rounds vs. Series A Rounds in a certain year. 
  5. Investigate the trend of funding types (Seed, Series A, etc.) over the past five years. 
  6. Analyze the distribution of funding rounds by HQ region in the last decade. 
  7. Highlight the top five HQ countries attracting the highest total funding in a certain year. 
  8. Visualize the funding distribution by primary verticals for travel startups in a certain year. 
  9. Compare the average funding number of startups in different primary verticals. 
  10. Explore the correlation between HQ country and funding round type preferences. 
  11. Investigate the relationship between primary horizontal and funding round types. 
  12. Analyze the distribution of funding rounds by primary business focus. 
  13. Visualize the growth of venture funding in the travel industry over the past decade. 
  14. Compare the funding amounts between different investor types (VC, Angel, etc.) in a certain year. 
  15. Highlight the top five investors contributing to travel startups' funding in a certain year. 
  16. Investigate the average funding amount by investor type for Seed Rounds. 
  17. Analyze the distribution of funding years for travel startups' Series A Rounds. 
  18. Visualize the geographical distribution of Seed Round funding in a certain year. 
  19. Compare the average funding amount between different HQ regions. 
  20. Explore the primary verticals attracting the most Seed Round funding in a certain year. 
  21. Investigate the relationship between primary business focus and investor type preferences. 
  22. Identify short-term rental startups 
  23. Discover early stage booking startups 

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