Related Travel Research

What’s All the Buzz About Beacons?
- Published:
- April 2015
- Research Type:
- Article
- Figures:
- 2
- Segments:
- Air, Hotels & Lodging
- Regions:
- Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, U.S. & Canada
Many believe that beacons may be one of the most important technologies ever developed for travel marketing and customer service. Beacons (or iBeacons which refers to the Apple specific technology) are small devices that broadcast and capture information to and from mobile applications within a short proximity. In 2014, the travel industry saw the beginning of major deployments of beacon technology in airports and hotels.
Will beacon technology drive an age of micromarketing and personalized customer service, or are beacons the start of a dystopian future where consumers are constantly bombarded with unwanted messages? This article reviews the current state of beacon technology in the travel industry and evaluate its potential for the future.
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