Research Custom Research

Custom Research built for your business

In a competitive industry, having the right insights makes all the difference. Phocuswright’s custom research delivers data and analysis designed around your company’s specific needs.

Our rigorous methodologies provide industry-specific intelligence and deep insights, helping you make strategic decisions with confidence.

Understand how consumers engage with your brand and adapt your strategy.

Benchmark performance against competitors with clear, data-driven insights.

Optimize your launch strategy for a new product, solution, or business.

Strengthen market positioning and refine messaging for impact.

Identify emerging threats and opportunities to stay ahead.

Develop a strategic roadmap for market expansion.

Showcase subject matter expertise as a competitive advantage.

Back your priorities with Phocuswright’s trusted research.

Custom Research Project Methodologies

Custom Research Project Packages

There are several ways to get the results of your custom project, whether it's a quick rundown of survey responses or an in-depth analysis of each project component.

  • Grow your brand
  • Detailed results with analysis and research-based recommendations
  • Presentation of the results online or in-person with a Phocuswright analyst
  • Cross-tabulations of survey results
  • Thought leadership products, including white papers, infographics, webinars or live events

Customize Existing Phocuswright Research

Don't need a full-fledged custom research project? We can mine our existing research and put together a customized package to meet your needs.

Custom Survey Questions

Our analysts help you create brand-specific, custom questions to include in Phocuswright's annual consumer surveys for a fraction of the cost of fielding a custom survey.

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Custom Segment Analysis

Cross-reference survey responses to create customized output for new insights into global travelers and their preferences.

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Learn More About Custom Research Projects

We look forward to speaking with you about how Phocuswright can build a custom project for your team.