Dr. Bill Carroll consults with Phocuswright on topics including yield and revenue management, business planning and modeling, distribution and pricing analysis. He has presented numerous papers for Phocuswright and other organizations in the hospitality market. Dr. Carroll co-authored Phocuswright's U.S. Online Travel Overview Eighth Edition and authored Phocuswright's Hotel & Lodging Commerce 2002-2005: Distribution Strategies and Market Forecasts. He is also a faculty member at Cornell University's Hotel School. Dr. Carroll has over 25 years of experience in the travel industry. Prior to Phocuswright, he served as vice president, global marketing for Reed Elsevier's Travel Group; vice president, global market planning for Hertz; and economist for AT&T. He holds a B.A. in economics from Rutgers University and a Ph.D. in economics from Penn State University
Dr. Bill Carroll's Areas of Research
As a Senior Lecturer at Cornell University and a highly regarded hotel analyst, Dr. Carroll has his finger on the pulse of the hospitality industry. Bill Carroll's wealth of experience and research in the sector allow him to accurately forecast the direction of the hotel industry as an author of Phocuswright reports and syndicated research.

Book Direct Debate: Long- vs. Short-Run View
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: April 2018 Analysts: Bill CarrollDebate over the value of online travel agencies (OTAs) and the impact on profitability of increasing direct bookings is endless. If OTA executives and lodging owners take a long-run versus short-run...
The Owner & Manager Dilemma: Too Much Information
Category: Technology Innovation Published: March 2018 Analysts: Bill CarrollLodging owners and managers face the daunting and daily task of demand management. This involves making and executing integrated pricing, distribution channel, inventory and marketing decisions. All...

Hospitality Distribution Dissected
Category: Technology Innovation Published: June 2017 Analysts: Bill Carroll US $199On the surface, year-to-year changes in the percent of revenue booked through traditional hospitality distribution channels appear to be stable. This belies seismic changes occurring among the major...

The Billboard Effect: A Phocuswright Evaluation
Category: Destination & Activities Marketing Published: August 2012 Analysts: Bill Carroll US $250What do hotels really get out of providing inventory to online travel agencies through a merchant program? This article examines the costs, benefits and overall value of this model to hoteliers.

Sage Advice for Hotels: Another Point of View on a Popular Industry Report
Category: Consumer Trends Published: June 2012 Analysts: Bill Carroll US $250In January 2012, the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) published Distribution Channel Analysis: A Guide for Hotels (DCA). The report presented comprehensive data and...