Dr. Connolly is the dean at the School of Business Administration at Portland State University and was most recently an associate professor of information technology with a dual appointment (School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management and the department of information technology and electronic commerce), as well as director of undergraduate programs for the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. Dan has authored or co-authored numerous publications, including Vacation Rental Marketplace: Poised for Change. His book,Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005), is the industry’s first book on technology strategy. Dan is co-chair of the American Hotel and Lodging Association’s Technology and e-Business Committee, a founding member and executive advisor to Hotel Technology – Next Generation (HTNG), and an executive board member of the Hospitality Industry Technology Association (HITA). He also serves on the editorial review boards of several hospitality research journals. Before joining the faculty at the University of Denver, Dan served on the faculties of Cornell University, Michigan State University, Virginia Tech, and Concord College. Prior to joining academia, he spent nearly eight years working at Marriott International’s corporate headquarters in the area of information systems. In addition, he has consulted with numerous organizations in the hospitality, health care and technology sectors, and has more than 10 years of experience in hotel and restaurant operations.
Areas of Research
Dr. Connolly is a recognized thought leader in the area of hospitality information technology. His teaching, research, and consulting interests focus on the strategic application of information technology and electronic commerce. He routinely presents his work at professional and academic conferences around the world, is a prolific writer, and is often quoted in the industry trade press on hospitality technology-related matters.

Embracing the Big Data Phenomenon to Become an Intelligent Organization
Category: Technology Innovation Published: December 2012 Analysts: Dan Connolly US $450Thanks to technological advancements, the amount of data an organization can create in just a single day has become mind-boggling and unwieldy. Although sifting through it in any meaningful way requires...
Trends in Hotel Distribution
Category: Technology Innovation Published: August 2011 Analysts: Dan Connolly US $300Hotel distribution has become a complex ecosystem of moving parts. How a hotelier manages distribution channels plays a critical role in a company's overall success as measured by market share,...