Free Travel Research Phocus Forward: The Year Ahead in Digital Travel

Phocus Forward: The Year Ahead in Digital Travel

August 2017
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Phocus Forward: The Year Ahead in Digital Travel

Expedia Affiliate Network and Phocuswright have published research on the changes you can expect to see in the coming months in the travel industry – 2017 Phocus Forward: The Year Ahead in Digital Travel.

This recording features Maggie Rauch, director, research at Phocuswright and Oliver Hoare, senior director of business development, Expedia Affiliate Network as they focus on five sections of the popular report.

Topic covered:

  1. Global Travel Market: Ready for a Breakthrough
  2. Funnel Revolution
  3. Mobile Trends: Still Waiting for the Surge
  4. Chat and Voice as the New Traveler Medium
  5. The Other Center of the World: China's Rising Influence

Get the corresponding report HERE (free).